Sweltering sun, sweat-soaked shirt, mending fences in mid-July
Slow gentle crackling of the gravel, an '83 Ford coming up the drive
The road runner, running past the mailbox, a snake gliding across the pond
Cows mooing, scorpions in the kitchen, a horse muzzle slobbery with watermelon
Carnival, quilt show, street dance, Watermelon Festival, small town fun
Grandpa cutting his Jubilee after dinner; Is it a good one?
A Mississippi kite soaring above, her feather waiting for me under a live oak
An armadillo moved in under the house, in the evening chasing the dog
Pulling out the century plants, with the pickup and a heavy chain
98 degrees, iced tea on the fence post, bruising pokes on my forearms and hands
Fifteen minutes into town, strangers ask how I am doin’ today
Stopping by the feed store; ‘Yes ma’am’ and ‘no ma’am’ they say
Wild kittens behind the gas station, two traffic lights on Main
A stray dog at the K.C. Hall, grocery closes at 9, Wal-Mart at 10
Cutting a trail along the back fence; Fallen trees, mosquitos, three baby coons
Thundering summer downpour, lasting 13 minutes in the afternoon
Winding country roads; Old barns, livestock, wildflowers
Back roads and state highways; Average 80 miles an hour
And a single firefly on a midnight walk, huge spider webs between the trees
Doe and fawn sprinting away, starry starry night, warm summer breeze
Then on a plane, between two homes; It’s a purgatory that I loath
Up in the sky, I belong to neither, but I feel the pull of both
